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5 Quick SEO Tactics Every Small Business Owner Should Know

Are you ready to see your business soar in Google's rankings without needing a PhD in tech? Look no further! At WickedGood Marketing, we break down SEO into easy, actionable steps that deliver real results. Just remember, small steps add up to big leaps, so just keep your head down and do a couple little things everyday. Let’s dive into some super straightforward strategies to make your website a magnet for both Google and your ideal customers.

Tip 1: Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

Quick Win: Run Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test on your site and implement any recommended changes.

Why It’s WickedGood: With the majority of users now browsing on their phones, a mobile-unfriendly site means you're invisible to a huge segment of potential customers. Google also ranks mobile-friendly sites higher, which means making your site responsive directly boosts your visibility and credibility. Two for one deal!

Where to Zoom In:

  • Check Responsiveness: Use your own smartphone or tablet to browse your site. Everything should look tidy and navigable without any pesky zooming or horizontal scrolling.

  • Smooth Moves: Streamline your site's navigation. Think big, easy-to-tap buttons and straightforward menus that work like a charm on touch screens.

  • Layout Love: Ensure your content looks fantastic on small screens. Texts are easy to read, images fit well, and nothing's off-screen.

Tip 2: Sharpen Those Titles

Quick Win: Update your homepage title to include your primary service and location, if applicable. Follow with your business name after a dash or pipe. (e.g., Award-Winning Bakery in Boston | WickedGood Cupcakes).

Why It’s WickedGood: Titles are your first handshake with both Google and potential customers. A clear, compelling title acts like a front door sign that invites visitors in and tells them they're in the right place. It increases the likelihood of clicks and conversions, driving more traffic and business your way.

Where to Zoom In:

  • Keyword Kung Fu: Skillfully incorporate essential keywords into your titles. They should feel natural and directly attract your ideal web surfers.

  • Short and Sweet: Keep titles concise and under 60 characters to prevent them from getting snipped off in search results.

  • One of a Kind: Every page deserves its own spotlight. Ensure each title is unique across your site to avoid internal keyword battles.

Tip 3: Sprinkle Keywords Early On

Quick Win: Add your main keyword in the first 100 words of your top landing pages.

Why It’s WickedGood: Early keywords help Google understand your page faster, like giving a heads-up on what you're about. This is crucial for appearing in searches relevant to your business. It's like putting your shop's sign on the busiest street!

Where to Zoom In:

  • Prime Placement: Plant your main keywords in the opening lines (top 100-150 words) of your content to give search engines a quick clue of your topic.

  • Make It Make Sense: Seamlessly integrate keywords into your text. No stuffing—just smooth, natural inclusion!

  • Spice It Up: Throw in synonyms and related phrases to enrich your content and capture a wider array of searches.

Tip 4: Answer the Burning Questions

Quick Win: Write a quick FAQ page addressing the top 5 questions your customers ask.

Why It’s WickedGood: This tip not only makes your site a go-to resource for common inquiries, but it also increases your chances of appearing in Google's "featured snippets" or direct answers. That’s premium SEO real estate, putting your business right at the top of search results, before the competition.

Where to Zoom In:

  • Right on Target: Focus on questions critical to your customers. What do they itch to know about what you offer?

  • Clear and Complete: Deliver answers that are not only thorough but also engaging enough to keep your audience hooked and coming back for more.

  • Keyword Magic: Sprinkle relevant keywords throughout your answers to enhance visibility in search results.

Tip 5: Compress Images to Increase Site Speed

Quick Win: Compress the images on your most visited pages. Website speed is a critical factor in SEO and user experience. Large image files can slow down your site, negatively impacting your search engine rankings. Compress your images before uploading them to ensure they are optimized for the web without losing quality. Tools like Adobe Photoshop, TinyPNG, or Squoosh can help reduce image file sizes.

If you have a Mac, you can even do this easily in the Preview app. Just open the image on your desktop and go to Tools > Adjust size. In general, you don’t need to go above 2000 px (pixels) for any image. So, if you have a high resolution image, you’re safe to downsize it to 2000 px and then you can use it for anything. Even a background image is typically 1920 x 1080 px.

Why It’s WickedGood: A fast-loading site improves user experience dramatically. Visitors are more likely to stay, browse, and convert when they don't have to wait. Plus, Google uses page speed as a ranking factor, so a snappy site boosts both customer satisfaction and your SEO.

Where to Zoom In:

  • Picture Perfect: Employ image compression tools to reduce file sizes without losing quality. Quick load times keep your visitors happy.

  • Plugin Purge: Evaluate and eliminate unnecessary plugins. Keep your site's engine running lean and fast.

  • Cache In: Enable caching so repeat visitors experience even quicker load times, making revisits a breeze.

Kicking off your SEO journey doesn't have to be overwhelming. With these beginner-friendly strategies, you can start making significant improvements today. And if you ever feel stuck, remember, the WickedGood Entrepreneurs community is just a click away, ready to help you refine your digital strategy. Get these quick wins into action and watch your business climb the search results ladder—let's make your digital presence as phenomenal as your business!

Need more support and information? Join the WickedGood Entrepreneurs Community. It’s a free community for small business owners that can ask marketing questions, network with peers, and get resources to help them build their marketing strategy. What do you have to lose? Join us today—we'll see you on the inside!


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